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Trump's family had a two-story mock Tudor home on Midland Parkway in Jamaica Estates, where he lived while attending The Kew-Forest School.[16][17] He left the school at age 13 and was enrolled in the New York Military Academy (NYMA),[18] in Cornwall, New York, where he finished eighth grade and high school. Trump was an energetic child; his parents hoped that the discipline at the military school would allow him to channel his energy in a positive manner. In 1983, Fred Trump told an interviewer that Donald "was a pretty rough fellow when he was small".[19] Trump participated in marching drills, wore a uniform, and during his senior year attained the rank of captain. He was transferred from a student command position after the alleged hazing of a new freshman in his barracks by one of Trump's subordinates; Trump later described the transfer as "a promotion".[20] In 2015, he told a biographer that NYMA gave him "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military".[21] Trump attended Fordham University in the Bronx for two years, beginning in August 1964. He then transferred to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, which offered one of the few real estate studies departments in United States academia at the time.[22][23] While there, he worked at the family's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son, named for his paternal grandmother.[24] He graduated from Penn in May 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics.[23][25][26] Trump was not drafted during the Vietnam War.[27] While in college from 1964 to 1968, he obtained four student deferments.[28] In 1966, he was deemed fit for service based upon a military medical examination, and in 1968 was briefly classified as fit by a local draft board, but was given a 1-Y medical deferment in October 1968.[29] In an interview for a 2015 biography, he attributed his medical deferment to heel spurs.[21] In 1969, he received a high number in the draft lottery, which would also have likely exempted him from service.[29][30][31]


トランプの家族は、ジャマイカ団地、Kew 森林学校に通いながら暮らしてミッドランド パークウェイの 2 階建ての模擬チューダーの家を持っていた。[16][17] 彼は 13 歳で学校を去った、彼は 8 番目のグレードと高校を終えたニューヨーク州コーンウォールでのニューヨーク軍事アカデミー (NYMA), [18] を登録されました。トランプは活発な子供です。彼の親

Equilibrium found!

That's deep, man.


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